
I’m Lori! Coach, Mom, Mahma (my grandma name) friend, minimalist, lover of my morning coffee, yoga, deep connection to others, and living life and, aging with passion and fun.

I have been passionate about personal development and all things related to an exploration of a life that feels joyful, meaningful, and true my entire adult life. 

This work and journey become more meaningful to me every day as I see what is possible when we choose to live a life that reflects what is meaningful to You and what you truly want.  Your life can be one of joy, fun, love, and adventure (however you define that)

My Journey

For as long as I can remember, I have been interested and curious about what drives us to the choices we make and how those experiences shape who we become. As I have gotten older, that curiosity has deepened. I now understand that I have been a seeker in ways…always looking and wanting to understand myself in a deeper way and my relationship to the choices I’ve made in my life. Maybe the most significant driver behind my passion for coaching and personal development is the life I’ve led.  I understand more fully today the life I have is in direct relation to my choices and actions. 

I’ve created a life I love and value so deeply and hold a perspective on life as I get older as the time to embrace the experiences and wisdom gained from my life’s choices so far. My life choices support what is important and what I want and love….not someone else or society’s agenda for me. I have experienced and navigated anxiety, divorce, sobriety, financial uncertainty, relationship struggles,  and gained learnings and understanding about myself in every area. 

I look at my struggles as my greatest opportunities for growth. Life will always hold both joys and challenges. Today, I enjoy the gifts and celebrate the journey. I am getting older, and while living a healthy life, I make peace daily with the natural and expected ways of aging to my face and body and connect more deeply to what my life feels like on the inside. Oh wow…..is that freedom. 

My professional training  began in 2009 at the Co-Active Training Institute, where I earned my certification as a CPCC Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. Additionally, I earned my PCC Professional Certified Coach from the ICF International Coach Federation  and my NBC-HWC National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach designation. I am very proud of my profession and take my training and education very seriously. I am a lifelong learner and continue to expand my education and training. This has allowed me to deepen my coaching skills and experience a breadth of education and experiences supporting this work I love so dearly.

In addition to my private practice, I am a contracted life leadership and executive coach for BetterUp. a phenomenal organization making a difference for so many in work and life. In that space, the entry to the coaching process is through work, though as it is in my private practice, the focus is on our whole life.

Imagine feeling more freedom in your life, more connection to your authentic nature, connection to what you want and to what matters to you, loving the way you live, and feeling excited in your days and for what is ahead.

Why work with me?

It is absolutely possible to create a life you love….a life that supports and honors your truest nature and includes what you really want and love. I have that life today and would love to help you create a life you are excited about. Together we can uncover what is truly possible.

Are you ready?

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